Monday, April 27, 2009

Alum banquet speaker 2

The next speaker they had at the banquet was by far the most humble woman I have ever met. Her grand daughter is coming to Luther next year and she is also a Luther grad. She was one of our 2009 honored alum, but in her speech she did not know why she got this award and that she knew she was a good wife,mother, and friend to the community.
Mrs. Ham has visited over 80 different countries around the world. In all of her travels she has learned that even though some people can live thousands of miles away we really are not that different. She has used her understanding of how she views equality to share to with my community back home.
One of her main points of her speech was also about education and how valuable it is. She would have never thought that a small town Iowa girl would end up traveling the world and sharing her stories with her friends.

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